Saturday, March 7, 2009

Cost of Our Choices

What are the cost of the choices we make as they relate to our children? What's the cost of the choice to work more hours in order to make more money? Who pays for your absence? Could you make less and be more present and available? Who pays when we justify pushing personal financial boundaries? Could we pull back on the spending, live below our means, and lead our children by being an example of financial responsibility. If we can afford the nicer things in life, that's great, but not to the point of irresponsibility. There's a balance between ambition and career security and being an active presence in the lives of our children. This is for each of us to carefully consider. As a culture we need to gain enough self-confidence to put our egos and pride down, hold ourselves accountable, and begin to truly see how we're living and the impact we're having on the youth of America. The next generation of decision makers needs our experience and our leadership now more than ever. Let's get in the game.

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