Monday, December 1, 2008

A Father's Playbook

Need one? Make one.

Make one based on who you are and what you stand for. Do a little research. Right down who you are and what you stand for. Research authors and topics of interest. Read. Get inspired. Get motivated. The truly successful motivate themselves. And, besides, what better motivator do you need than your own children? Shape them. Grow them. Raise them. They will emulate you and it's amazing to see. They are amazing. My son is amazing. Thank you son!

Make a playbook. Get in the game.


Erin Joy said...

I love this. Are you speaking figuratively or literally? Have you created a written playbook? That would be cool!

Oceans said...

I was speaking literally, but either would be good. Context or context and application in writing. More than anything, it's about having an "in the game" mindset when it comes to raising our children. Thanks for comment.