Tuesday, December 2, 2008


About three years ago I had an ensight; which is all relationships succeed or fail based on clearly communicated and understood expectations. This simple understanding has helped me time and time again and is applicable across the board. Without established and understood expectations each party involved in the relationship will likely fail the other to no fault of their own. In short, I will fail you if I don't know what you expect from me.

This applies to our children as well. The best thing we have to offer our children is our experience. Let's let them know what lies ahead. This way, when something bad happens it wasn't a total surprise and they are better able to handle the many adversities in life. The range is endless so we must be communicating often. We're the engine telling the caboose what's around the corner. Every corner. At least now the caboose can have a fighting chance to make it around that surprise hairpin turn (the one you already knew was coming) and do so without some traumatic recovery experience.

Communicate, set, and establish expectations with your kids. Get in the game.

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